Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to train your baby to bottle feed from exclusive breastfeeding

If you are exclusively breastfeeding your little one and would want to wean her to bottle feed, you can follow this easy, step-by-step method I have outlined below. 

When I gave birth to my daughter eight (8) months ago, my biggest dilemma was how to sustain breastfeeding my baby when I have to go back to work after two months of maternity leave. I really wanted her to give her breast milk even if I am working as no milk formula can replace breast milk. To this day, I still breastfeed my daughter when I get home from work or even after a three-day travel. If you have the same dilemma as mine, I will relate the steps I have done so that you, too can follow!

How to train your baby to bottle feed from breastfeeding:

  • Give it time. When I mean time, set an adjustment period for both you and your baby. A two week adjustment period is good. This two week will be spent with bottle training. Below are some points to follow when you are ready for bottle training.
  • Find a perfect milk reliever or a breast pump. Buy the one that is easy to disassemble and easy to wash and sterilize. Easy to disassemble like the one below is also easier to carry in your bag. When you have to go to work or have to travel, you won't need a bulky bag to fit in your breast pump.
  • When you have decided that today will be a bottle-day, try to stay away from your baby and let someone in  your family give the breast milk you have expressed. Remember, you are trying to wean her from your breast. It will only be a struggling moment for both of you and it will only be futile if you will be the one to feed her as she is will insist to feed from your breast.
  • Use the soft nipple for baby's bottle. Your breasts' nipples are soft, so it is best to also use the soft silicon nipple so that you baby will not have a hard time adjusting with the nipple.
  • Depending on the number of hours of your work, let's say you work from 8am-5pm, it would be best that it's also the range of time you will train your baby to drink from the bottle.
  • Express your milk at a scheduled time. It is important that you also set a schedule when you will express your milk. Ideally, milk flows better after you have taken a good meal with lots of vegetable and fruits. Also, don't forget soups for an ample supply of breast milk.
  • Bring extra lampin or a baby's wash cloth so you can clean and wipe dry your breast prior to pumping. Find a private, clean and calm place you can express your milk. Store your expressed milk in a chiller or freezer. The milk is good for up to 24hours.
  • When you come home, you can breastfeed your baby again. Your stored expressed milk can be given then next day for her feeding.
It will be a struggle, I know. But you will teach your little one independence while still giving her the best milk - your breast milk. Do not be worried if your baby will refuse feeding through the bottle for the first time. You will be surprised how flexible babies are. It should not be difficult to completely switch your baby to formula milk afterwards.


  1. This is crucial for the mother and the baby. Breastfeeding doesn't only provide nutrients for the baby and allow the mother's uterus to get back its normal size. It allows time for the mother and the baby to bond. And for working moms, it's kinda hard to switch from breastfeeding to bottlefeeding. My younger sister, when she was 6 months old gave us a hard time on that one. Thanks for sharing! This is a must-read article for mothers and future mothers! :)

    1. Thank you for sharing thoughts! I hope I inspired you! Cheers!

  2. thanks for the tips, will share it to my sisters
