Hey there! I am Ireen Grace S. Palima.
I believe I was born a writer. I always wanted to become a novelist. When I was young, I had a handful of self-made notebooks from folded bond papers. There, written by my hands stories that I have imagined and built in dreams and fantasies. Lost in my characters' emotions, I really felt that those stories were the best I have ever written and read.
As I pursue my career path in Development Communication, I learned to mix creativity with technicality. A peacock and a turtle in one. While a peacock displays its flamboyant art, a turtle reserves its lackluster character for its intelligent twist. I can be both. With this website, I offer you my writing pieces where you can learn and have fun from different topics I posted.
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This work by Ireen Grace S. Palima is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at www.writatime.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.writatime.com.
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